S.T.E.A.M. and Education
IE NCNW believes it is important to cooperatively plan for and implement measures that will provide greater awareness of the benefits of higher education, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), S.T.E.A.M. careers, and greater access to the pathways to success.
We are dedicated to partnering with organizations that will assist in promoting STEAM and career opportunities and in closing the digital divide that disproportionately affects blacks and women.
Seed Planting
IE NCNW partners with local schools to read to elementary school children.
IE NCNW partners with Black Grad to provide scholarships.
IE NCNW gives away Banned Books by Black authors at the Juneteenth Celebration at Ferguson Park, Rialto.
We are dedicated to partnering with organizations that will assist in promoting STEAM and career opportunities and in closing the digital divide that disproportionately affects blacks and women.
Seed Planting
IE NCNW partners with local schools to read to elementary school children.
IE NCNW partners with Black Grad to provide scholarships.
IE NCNW gives away Banned Books by Black authors at the Juneteenth Celebration at Ferguson Park, Rialto.
There's an effort nationwide to ban and erase the contributions of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) have made in this country. Let's do our part to stop it! Buy and read Banned Books. KNOW Your HISTORY KNOW Your PRESENT KNOW Your FUTURE IENCNW Juneteenth Banned Book Give-Away. |